We decided with the cold months looming, it would be better to go ahead and join the gym again. Then we cannot use the cold as an excuse to not go walking, and paying money for the gym will help keep us honest about going. With Freddy's arthritis it'll give him better control of his workouts having the machine versus free weights or just out walking the neighborhood.
The other nice thing is with Planet Fitness, we can go to other locations when we travel to go see friends or family. We're big road trippers and having the convenience of Planet Fitness's locations, we'd have access to our gym in nearly every city! We always go to Alabama for Christmas and I know there is a location in the city that we visit.
Also, to be completely honest, this is the absolutely best song to get pumped up for a workout!
This week we are working on continuing to limit our processed food intake and to make better choices. Freddy is drinking tea more than soda and I have only had soda for a few mixed drink over the weekend. I'm going to premake some stove popped popcorn to have around this week for a healthy snack instead of wanting to go get chips or anything else that would be an unhealthy choice.